Gutters and Downpipes

If your spouting has sprung a leak, or your gutters are overflowing, give us a call!
Guttering on the corner of a roof
What can we do for you

Spruce up your home!

Gutters leaking or overflowing? Or perhaps they are corroding and coming away from the roof? It sounds like you may need new or replacement gutters or downpipes!

If your current gutters are rusty and faded, or old, mossy and mouldy, installing new gutters will improve your homes aesthetics.

Gutters are the rain water management system of your home. To keep water from overflowing and flooding around your home, and keep them operating as efficiently as possible with heavy rainfall we recommend cleaning them annually as best you can.

If they are at the point where replacement is necessary we are more than happy to pop out for a chat about what we can do and provide you with an obligation free quote.
Internal Gutters
If your home has an internal gutter it would pay to get this checked out regularly by an experienced roofing professional.

As soon as the butenol starts to breakdown or the iron starts to rust it will create a slow leak. A leaking internal gutter is an absolute nightmare. If left undetected, it will start overflowing or slowly leaking and if left for a very long time will cause a lot of surface and structural damage within your home.

We recommend using a stainless steel, custom built internal gutter to replace your existing one and we can also repair any water damage caused to your home. Stainless steel has at least more than double the life-span of any other roofing material. If we replace your internal gutter with stainless steel it will give you peace of mind for many, many years to come.
Do you want a local Whangarei home builder or roofer who will finish your project with superior quality?
Don't simply aim for minimum. Work with us and we will strive to complete your building or roofing project to perfection.
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